Returns & Refunds

Please visit the the non returnable items page to check if your product is eligible for a refund and/or replacement.

You can initiate your request for refund or replacement within 7 days of delivery. For example: If you received your order on the 5th, then you have until the 12th to request a return.

The product must be returned in the original and undamaged manufacturer packaging / box. If the product was delivered in a second layer of Daraz packaging, it must be returned in the same condition with return shipping label attached. Do not put tape or stickers on the manufacturers box.

Note: If a product is returned to us in an inadequate condition, we reserve the right to send it back to you.

If your return request does not meet the Daraz Returns Policy conditions, you can claim your warranty (if any) from the authorized service center of the brand.

There are no charges for shipping a product back to Daraz.

We will send you regular updates about the status of your order via emails and SMS. After your order has left our warehouse and is on its way to you, you can also track its status by entering your tracking number on ‘Need Help?’.

It will take between 5 and 13 days to send you the replacement product, depending on your location. Please refer to the product page on Daraz for further information about delivery time.

Payment Method Refund Option Refund Time


Refund Voucher

1-2 working days

Debit or Credit Card

Debit or Credit Card Payment Reversal

9-10 working days


Bank Deposit / Mobile Payment Reversal

4-5 working days

Cash on Delivery (COD)

Bank Deposit

4-5 working days

Daraz Voucher

Refund Voucher

1-2 working days

Yes, the refunded amount would also include the shipping amount you were charged.

There are no charges for shipping a product back to Daraz.

No, you do not have to return your whole order. It is fine just to return certain products.

Sorry, returns are not possible after the 7 days return period. You can reach our team for further questions 24/7 under

If you experience issues after the Daraz return/exchange period has elapsed, you can claim your warranty (if any) from the authorized service center of the brand.

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